Friday, April 23, 2021

"You're supposed to love me"! (Byron Katie)

(The Work with Byron Katie) What if We're Locked and Suffering in the Prison of the Mind?

The Work of Byron Katie
He's repulsive, Byron Katie. Believe it.
(BCC, 2/20/19) The AWARENESS INQUIRIES, Part 6: From the original video box: Watch below as Byron Katie facilitates Gary through his thoughts on his wife and the fact that she has left him because she finds him repulsive. 

COPYRIGHT and DISCLAIMER: The Work of Byron Katie is copyright © by Byron Katie International Inc. All rights reserved. Referenced here by permission. The process outlined here is not intended to be a substitute for the medical advice of a professional physician or mental health worker. The viewer should take appropriate advice on any matters relating to his/her mental and physical health.

(The Work with Byron Katie) "You were supposed to love me"!
This video is shared in accordance with the producer's permission that "You may copy, exhibit, or distribute this tape freely as long as there is no charge for it," and because it is not currently available in this format elsewhere.

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