Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Anunnaki: The Astronaut Gods of the Sumerians

The Anunnaki from space: the astronaut gods of the Sumerians
(See U in History/Mythology, 11/2/20) Sumerian Mythology: Can we get an overview of these ancient, pre-biblical stories appropriated and incorporated into the Jewish and Christian Bibles? And could it be told in the form of a comic for easy consumption?

(History with Cy) Can we get more details, maps, and historical facts?

The Complete and Concise History of the Sumerians
(History with Cy, Feb. 4, 2021) This program covers Early Bronze Age Mesopotamia (7,000-2,000 BC) and the history of ancient Sumer [which sounds an awful like the axis mundi Mt. Sumeru in Buddhist, Vedic (Hindu), and Jain cosmologies] and the "Sumerians." It tracks the first notable farming communities such as that of the Samarra, Halaf, and the Ubaid that once occupied the land and the peoples who went on to inhabit magnificent cities -- built with alien technological innovations -- great kingdoms, and empires for which the region became known.

  • 00:00​ Introduction
  • 03:21​ Early Farming Communities (Samarra, Halaf, Ubaid)
  • 08:12​ Eridu
  • 12:51​ Uruk and the First Cities
  • 17:46​ Invention of Writing
  • 21:30​ First Kings
  • 22:47​ Early Dynastic Period
  • 23:36​ Sumerian Religion
  • 26:32​ Lagash and Umma
  • 33:00​ Ur
  • 35:10​ Nippur
  • 35:47​ Urukagina
  • 39:02​ Lugalzagesi
  • 41:57​ Sargon and Akkadian Rule of Sumer
  • 50:55​ Post-Akkadian Sumer and the Gutians
  • 54:24​ Gudea of Lagash
  • 55:30​ Utu-hegal
  • 57:30​ Third Dynasty of Ur (Ur III)/Neo-Sumerian Empire
  • 01:06:14​ Amorites, Elamites, and the End of an Era
  • 01:09:41​ Aftermath and Legacy of Sumer
  • 01:11:45​ Thank you and Patrons
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