Monday, May 24, 2021

AP fires Jew who says Palestinians have rights

Tasneem Nashrulla (, 5/24/21); Sheldon S., Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly

Defiant AP staff release critical statement about firing of pro-Palestinian Jewish AP journalist
More than 100 AP employees have criticized the way the [pro-Israel] Associated Press ( fired a young Jewish journalist, 22, last week after a Republican conservative "smear campaign" over her pro-Palestinian activism in college.

US mainstream media is pro-Israel propaganda.
In the open letter published Monday, AP staffers from across the world demanded more clarity from the company about why Emily Wilder was fired as a news associate in Phoenix only three weeks into her job.

Another Jew supporting divestment (
"Wilder was a young journalist, unnecessarily harmed by the AP’s handling and announcement of its firing of her," the staffers said in the letter.

"We need to know that the AP would stand behind and provide resources to journalists who are the subject of smear campaigns and online harassment." More

Israel's crimes against humanity, slow genocide of Palestinians
Palestinians rescue 6-year-old Suzy Eshkuntana from debris of her collapsed house hit by airstrikes from the Israeli army in Gaza City, al-Rimal neighborhood on 5/16/21 (Ashraf Amra/Andolu).

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