Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mother's Day: Gorilla falls for human baby

Jeff Miles, Rebekah Black, Alex Luckey (KLUV); Ashley Wells, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Mother gorilla enamored with mom and baby
Me Kiki. Me love humans. Me in captivity.
Earlier this month, Mrs. Emmily Austin of Jefferson, Maine, visited the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston with her 5-week-old son, Canyon. Emmily and Canyon caught the attention of Kiki the gorilla and her baby, Pablo, while at the zoo.

Kiki is raising the baby, her fifth, who was born last October. Emmily noticed that Kiki kept looking, she told News Center Maine:

Thai Buddhist monk and his pet maneating tiger
"She kept looking around the corner of the cave. I was like, 'She's looking at Canyon.' I was holding him up to the glass, and was like 'Yeah, look. It's my baby,' and was like, 'How cool would it be if she came to see him?' I had said that several times, but I wasn't really expecting it." More

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