Monday, May 3, 2021

Guide to Wild Foods and Useful Plants (May 6)

Christopher Nyerges (Wild Foods), Ananda (DBM), Dhr. Seven, Kalyani (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

I've written many books since this one (CN)
There is no “shortcut” to learning about which wild plants and flowers are safe to use as food and medicine.

When nature author Christopher Nyerges (LinkedIn) was studying with Dr. Leonid Enari (L.A. Arboretum), he worked with him to define the botanical families that are entirely safe as food or at least safe with some qualifications.

This became the appendix to Nyerges’ first book, Guide to Wild Foods. This class aims to look at the safe families: how to recognize them, how to use them, and any qualifications to be aware of.

Live on May 22, 2021 (School of Self Reliance)
Some of these families are very easy to recognize — such as onions, seaweeds, grasses, mustards — but some take a bit more effort to recognize. It's a fascinating exploration.

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