Monday, May 3, 2021

Jewish bias? National Public Radio turns 50

ATC ( S., Pfc. Sandoval, CC Liu, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

What do you work on? - NPR programming.
In one book-on-tape humorist David Sedaris does a hilarious skit about National Jewish Radio, revealing NPR's implicit and explicit biases. It's a gentle ribbing but funny as heck. NPR can be so self-serious, not realizing how much it reflects and promotes the biases of its principal audience, which is about 1% of or less of the population (if there are 325 million citizens and fewer than a million who are Jewish). The CIA (plus the FBI and other alphabet agencies like the NSA) loves the "State of Israel," which is not a "state" as it does not meet the criteria to be, reckoning one Israel is worth more than ten CIAs.

PM Bibi Netanyahu and his brother were groomed by the CIA and had their accents made more pleasing to our media landscape in contrast to the displaced Palestinians and their leaders, like that short guy with the stubble who was in cahoots with the powers-that-be to enrich himself and his family, co-opted by the CIA as leaders are, which is all explained in 
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: Cooperate with the hitmen, or deal with the "jackals" that get sent it).

How NPR shattered the old model of journalism
Audie Cornish, Art Silverman, All Things Considered for May 3, 2021 (NPR)
In 1971, NPR entered a shifting — yet limited — information landscape (George Geesey).

(NPR edited by WQ) Today (Monday, May 3, 2021) marks the 50th anniversary of NPR's first on-air original broadcast.

In the last half century, NPR and member stations have been useful, semi-trusted sources for local events and cultural programming featuring music, local history, education, and the arts.

To mark this milestone, NPR is reflecting on — and renewing — its commitment to serve an audience that reflects North America and to Hear Every Voice.

In the first 50 years that All Things Considered has been on the air, the ground under journalism has shifted.

In 1971, the three major television networks' evening news shaped the nation's perception of what [the powers-that-be want programming-consumers to think is] important in the world.

With no social media, no internet, but only an abiding trust in media, NPR entered a rather restricted information landscape. All Things Considered did not try to compete directly; instead, it tried to find its place, and the program took a shot at a different style of storytelling.

According to former host Robert Siegel, when NPR and All Things Considered were conceived, it was during a time when American journalism was rapidly changing:... More

I tried to warn you, but Ivanka and Jared are Jewish and love NPR, so now I'm going to jail.

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