Thursday, May 13, 2021

Jews attack: Israel killing kids in Israel (video)

Jimmy Dore (; Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly

Max Blumenthal helps comedian Jimmy Dore understand the hypocrisy and crimes against humanity if not slow-genocide of the Palestinians of Palestine/Israel as supported by the CIA and US military for its own self-serving purposes. Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu is corrupt and being prosecuted, but he was groomed by the CIA for the job of running a puppet state for the West in the geopolitical Middle East, so let's not expect that his conviction will change anything or so much as shame the public relations Jewish leader of a nation taken over like England took the US from Native Americans and Australia from aborigines, and most of the world for its own settler colonial ambitions to be a world empire. This time it's different because Jews are taking to the streets of their occupied land to terrify, beat, kill, and drive out Palestinians, Muslims, and Arabs or anyone who looks like it. Will the AP or "American Propaganda" ( channel be saying any of this? At least contorts itself to seem objective.

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