Friday, May 28, 2021

Is Israel an apartheid committing genocide?

Jimmy Dore (YouTube); Pfc. SandovalSheldon S. Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
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‘Terrorizing a generation’ of Palestinian kids
Is Israel an apartheid? Is it committing literal genocide? Hollywood actor and activist (against fracking and Bush) Mark Ruffalo thought so. But he made the mistake of saying so out loud. They pulled choker chain on him. He quickly apologized.
"Actually when you bomb a densely populated, shelterless open-air prison, hospital roads, doctors, and vital infrastructure, that is genocide.

"When you speak of 'flattening the Strip,' and vow to not stop bombing Gaza until there's 'complete quiet,' that is intent to genocide."
Do the right thing -- particularly when it's unpopular. One mark of character is doing it because it's hard -- not doing it later when it's easy because everyone is saying:

"Of course Israel's government and Israeli militants have been doing these things."

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