Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Divorce for Microsoft's Bill Gates and Melinda

ABCTodayAshley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (COMMENTARY), Wisdom Quarterly
Bill Gates is crying in his vault today, but he'll be okay (America's Education Watch)

Devolution from Microsoft monopoly to Death
All the money in the world won't save us from heartbreak and subsequent heartache. Just ask Bill Gates.
He has all the money in the world, more than $124 billion with more dividends pouring in from his many strategic investments.

Schadenfreude is a dangerous thing! Let's be happy for the world's billionaires (euronews.com).
Melinda French's husband, Bill Gates, ruined our lives in many ways, and he keeps doing increasingly harmful things:
  • Multi-billionaire looking for partner
    having sold us out to the CIA, NSA, FBI, NSC, DHS, and the rest of the alphabet -- leaving back doors open for them to spy on users of Windows,
  • running a monopoly that kept safer operating systems out of the hands of consumers,
  • having such poor malware protection (so the alphabet could get in and vacuum up data) that worms and viruses are rampant. We don't hear about them now with all the patches and updates that vacuum up data directly, don't even hear of phishing scams, but they get and sell our data.
(Today) Melinda Gates to become richest woman in the world overnight

Marry me. I'm going to be a billionaire tech nerd.
This goes on so much that many no longer think of "privacy" as anything we're entitled to or interested in as Americans or human beings on the planet. Thanks, Bill. Hope you enjoy the money you pretend to so generously distribute as a philanthropist. Noblesse oblige. Thanks from us proles.

Mating in Captivity: Reconciling (Esther Perel)
Long time partner Mrs. Bill Gates Melinda is divorcing Bill or, as Gwyneth and her hubby liked to call it, "conscious uncoupling."

What will Bill do with himself now that half his big money foundation is leaving? We saw him eat a veggie burger recently. Maybe he can get into that rather than planning future pandemic events and enslaving the world.

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