Friday, May 28, 2021

Pro-Israel bias: They'll call you an Anti-Semite

Mike Mac Rae, Jimmy Dore; Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly 
Emily Wilder fired by for telling truth about Israel. (

Does Palestine have a right to defend itself?
Rightwing sides with Israel as Left questions it.
Defenders Hamas says "no because look what happens when we do." The whole world turns their back on us in deference to the non-State of Israel. (It's official name as a country is "State of Israel" but it is not a state and cannot become one because of the way it treats and discriminates against its citizens/second-class inhabitants). Comedian Lee Camp agrees: Want to play a game in which you never get drunk? Take a drink every time a member of the mainstream media says, "Palestine has the right to defend itself." Why? That's because one of the major public relations/propaganda talking points for Israel as supported by the CIA and many branches of the US government is that only Israel has that right. It can kill or ruin anyone, some with missiles shot into its own densely populated occupied territory, and others with accusations of "anti-Semite."
Jewish Stanford U graduate and AP reporter Wilder fired for speaking truth.

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