Saturday, May 15, 2021

The Secret Intelligence of Water (Veda Austin)

Researcher Veda Austin (; Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Dr. Emoto revealed the secret life of water.
Move over, Dr. Emoto. There's a new water and ice crystal researcher on the block -- New Zealand's Veda Austin.

She produces "a wonderful blend of art and science," says Editor-in-Chief of WATER and University of Washington Prof. Gerald H. Pollack Ph.D. (

"Some of the images are nothing short of amazing. Veda Austin has demonstrated how water responds to our thinking, in ways that I and others would have thought unimaginable. It now falls within the realm of science to see if we can explain what Austin has so beautifully demonstrated."

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Austin has conducted "a remarkable investigation," states Dr. Rupert Sheldrake Ph.D. (, fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and author of Science Set Free/The Science Delusion.

"Veda Austin has produced some interesting and impressive images which go way beyond what would be expected on the basis of conventional science.

"I hope that her pioneering work will stimulate others to follow up with systematic investigations of their own." More + VIDEOS

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