Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Smoking weed and cartoons (video)

Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

(The New Yorker/Eric Lewis/
Is pot (medical-grade high-CBD-moderate THC Cannabis sativa) the greatest invention or the worst? Giggle uncontrollably with slacker friends all heshered out then become Hesher and it's slack, slack, slack. Somebody said, "Weed is spiritual." It seems about as spiritual as sipping rotten malt, which we call brews (the suras of the celestial no-suras). There has to be a better way to focus and concentrate the mind on the present, to be all zen'ed out, jhanified (absorbed in a single subject/object of attention). Pot ain't it, although it might make for a better world than alcohol gives us.

Then paradise all came crashing to an end by getting stoned too much.

This bud's for you. - Aw thank you! I smoke it?
(WQ, 3/15/24) It's bad, unskillful, not productive of good karma. Why? It doesn't have to be, but it is for the most part. Yes, but why? The real reason is because there are two opposite meanings of the English word "high." Think about it. We either mean sh*tfaced, obliterated, obtunded, stoned, and similar words to indicate senseless -- deaf, dumb, blind, mute, wasted, spaced out -- which is why they call it "sh*t" as in, "Hey, Man, that is some good sh*t" OR we mean out there, gone beyond, elevated, expanded, seeing the bigger picture, the peace that surpasseth all understanding, and so on. When it's mind-expanding, consciousness-raising, trippy, a Cybernautic journey, unity-producing, one could see how that might be good, useful, causing peace, acting as medicine, reducing anxiety, and so on.

Oh, rose bud. :( I thought you meant weed.
But either way, we foolishly call them both "getting high" when the first is clearly getting low, debased, debauched, heedless, a waste of space... Are we just suffering from the munchies, increasing craving, becoming addicted? And that's another thing. The first kind of drug (or the use of a drug in a foolish way) produces addiction, abuse, bad karma and remorse, whereas the second kind heals it. If you're freaking out, having a bad THC trip (like from too many gummies), don't butt-dial or purposely call the police on yourself thinking that you're dying. There's a better way, a faster way, a natural way to calm down: CBD, the other cannabinoid in cannabis. Iboga, ayahuasca, and natural entheogens in the proper hands, undertaken with the appropriate intention (mindset) and setting, can be used to cure addiction. One purges, sees or is shown by spirit beings how they have been, and this can set one free. People abuse alcohol, and nothing good comes from it. Much bad comes. When cannabis is treated this way, like beers at the end of a day, one is only spiraling down to future MA meetings. Contact your local Marijuana Anonymous chapter to try to make it back to life.

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