Friday, May 7, 2021

Trump banned by Big Tech (Jimmy D comedy)

Shannon Bond (, May 7, 2021); comedian Jimmy Dore, voices by Mike MacRae (; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

I told you so! This makes me president again!
Facebook oversight board says Facebook is the problem not Trump
 (NPR) Facebook has almost two billion users a day, annual [ad and government payoff] revenue that rivals many countries' gross domestic product, and it even has its own version of a "Supreme Court": The Facebook Oversight Board, which Facebook created to review Facebook's toughest decisions on what to censor people can post on its platforms. And this board thinks Facebook is the problem rather than racist deposed Trump. But it upholds the ban on his posts. He remains suspended and censored. Let powerless sellout figurehead Mark Zuckerberg deal with the public relations fallout.

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