Sunday, May 16, 2021

USA: "Pagans in the Promised Land" (video)

Dhr. Seven, Crystal Quintero, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; Tia Chucha's Centro

Decoding the "Doctrine of Discovery"

I like this doctrine! Neuschwabenland!
Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Discovery provides an overpowering challenge to US federal Indian law and policy.

It attacks the presumption that Native American First Nations are in any way legitimately subject to the plenary power of the United States.

The US legal reaction has been strategic silence, a little shoe shuffling, the faint whistling of "Dixie."

It is based on the preposterous "Doctrine of Discovery," the European rule that the Roman Empire still rules the world from the Vatican.

With it Christian nations give themselves the power to take any non-Christian people's land by claiming it in the name of the king (the pope, the God of the day, who has been pagan, Mithras, Zeus, and Zeus's son Jesus). The previous emperor Constantine was very open to gods of conquered lands.

Representatives of a country say a few choice words upon landing on a new shore, put up a flag, like a Hollywood soundstage moon landing, and say: "We own this forever. We discovered it. Everyone out. Finders keepers, losers weepers. No trespassing." The exacts words are just as ridiculous.


The book traces the origin of the 1823 US Supreme Court ruling Johnson v. M’Intosh to Vatican papal decrees of domination issued by various Catholic popes in the 15th century.

Such documents claimed the right to locate and dominate non-Christian "heathen" lands as well as Indigenous peoples (forced into slavery, raped, sold, mentally colonized, and exterminated) throughout the planet.

Pagans in the Promised Land is an expose explaining the Christian Empire's mentality.

VIDEO: Social Justice Book Club selection (Zoom) Author Steven T. Newcomb joins the book club meeting as participants discuss his famous book, Pagans in the Promised Land. Tia Chucha's Centro Cultural & Bookstore ( is the brainchild of former Los Angeles Poet Laureate Luis J. Rodriguez

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