Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Who rocks it better? Screamin' Jay Hawkins

As originators and innovators (Screamin’ Jay Hawkins/La Fiambrera.net)

Beatle: "Monkberry Moon Delight" (Ram)

Every Sunday 8 AM-12 PM (live free online)
The post-Beatles McCartney album Ram just turned 50, and Linda and Paul McCartney (or that guy impersonating him with hard hitting interviewer Chris Farley) should take a bow.

An anniversary album of covers was just released, as highlighted by Chris Carter on Breakfast with the Beatles (KLOS, 5/23/21). Carter also introduced his audience to the best cover of any song on the original album, "Monkberry Moon Delight," by super rocker Screamin' Jay Hawkins.

Is it possible Screamin' Jay influenced the depiction of the Voodoo priest character, Samedi, in James Bond: Live and Let Die, for which McCartney wrote the title track?

who teaches Whitey how it's done, rockin the blues: "I Put a Spell on You"

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