Thursday, June 24, 2021

FreshAir: What's "critical race theory"? (audio)

TMW; T. Gross, T. Kingkade (NPR, 6/24/21); Crystal Q., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
What about killer cop Derek Chauvin murdering citizen George Floyd? (This Modern World)

I'm not goin' to let some [n-word] get in my way!
Let's uncover who's driving the hysterical fight against teaching grade school students Critical Race Theory. It's only being taught in the university, but one would never know it to see the right-wing movement against learning accurate American history. An NBC News analysis finds at least 165 local and national groups are trying to disrupt or block lessons on race and gender. NBC reporter Tyler Kingkade explores who is waging this fight, and why. More
  • What's Black Lives Matter, and who are the CSULA (Cal State University Los Angeles) professors who started it?

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