Sunday, June 6, 2021

Is the pandemic over? The truth

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum. 9/27/20 via; Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly
People want accurate information on the pandemic virus.

They don't know where to turn or who is telling the truth about this corona virus [There are plenty of "corona" viruses, like the common cold, annual flu, and lab enhanced bioweapons].

As Dr. Betty Martini's husband has said, "If you want the truth in any matter, you have to be willing to accept the facts no matter what the facts say."

Is the pandemic over? Doctors, nurses, and other medical employees explain the truth!
Not only with this plandemic pandemic, that's the problem in the aspartame (Nutrasweet) issue. Try to find any scientific, peer-reviewed studies that are independent. History shows how industry marketed an extremely deadly, addictive, excitoneurotoxic, carcinogenic, genetically-engineered drug, adjuvant, and teratogen as a sugar substitute and additive. It has poisoned the world.

These chemicals cause me pain and illness.
Hard to believe? Studies for this additive were done at Fort Detrick. Aspartame is a biochemical warfare weapon [you buy for kids and yourself]. A newspaper asks for seizure studies and when you send them a study on seven infant monkeys, five of which had grand mal seizures and one of which died, but the paper publishes the pro-industry lie that all of the monkeys in the study thrived. The public is left believing a lie, and the epidemic of "fake news" continues.

The only way to find the truth is to look at both sides of any issue to see which side is lying. If you find legitimate facts, you will most always find the one telling the version of the "truth" that industry wants. They will attack the other side, calling them "conspiracy theorists" and trying to discredit them as they did to Dr. Judy Mikovits, the author of Plague of Corruption on the coronavirus.

The best article I [Dr. Martini] found is by Dr. Beda M. Strader: "Coronavirus: Why Everyone Was Wrong. It is Not a New Virus. The Fairy Tale of No Immunity."

One of the things we absolutely know is that this engineered virus was manmade in three places: China, North Carolina, and Fort Detrick (USA), where the military studies biochemical warfare weapons.

No one can patent a natural product. Bill Gates owns one of the COVID-19 patents. This shows that it is artificial, or he would not have been able to secure a patent on it.

But what the public panics about is social distancing and mask wearing, which lowers the body's oxygen levels, and being locked down.

Here is a part of the article: "The next joke that some virologists shared was the claim that those who were sick without symptoms ["asymptomatic carriers"] could still spread the virus to other people.

"The 'healthy' sick would have so much of the virus in their throats that a normal conversation between two people would be enough for the 'healthy one' to infect the other healthy one. At this point we have to dissect what is happening here:

"If a virus is growing anywhere in the body, also in the throat, it means that human cells decease. When [human] cells decease, the immune system is alerted immediately and an infection is caused. One of five cardinal symptoms of an infection is pain.

"It is understandable that those afflicted by Covid-19 might not remember that initial scratchy throat and then go on to claim that they didn't have any symptoms just a few days ago.

"But for doctors and virologists to twist this into a story of 'healthy' sick people, which stokes panic and was often given as a reason for stricter lockdown measures, just shows how bad the joke really is. At least the WHO didn't accept the claim of asymptomatic infections and even challenges this claim on its website."

The doctor also writes "What now?" and answers: "The virus is gone for now. It will probably come back in winter, but it won't be a second wave, but just a cold.

Oh, it was all a joke to control us. Well, hell.
Those young and healthy people who currently walk around with a mask on their faces would be better off wearing a helmet instead, because the risk of something falling on their head is greater than that of getting a serious case of Covid-19."

He further states: "On our way back to normal, it would be good for us citizens if a few scaremongers apologized." Here is the entire article: More

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