Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Fun w/ Norwegian metal: Ballroom Blitz (video)

"The Ballroom Blitz" (metal cover)
(Frog Leap Studios) Norwegian black metal is dangerous, deadly dangerous. Here's Leo Moriacchi's cover of the famous original by British glam band The Sweet. ► Get Leo's albums or singles direct from him. iTunes. Amazon. Google Play. Frog Leap Studios merchandise: USEU. Those who become Patreon supporters get all the songs and support more music covers: patreon.com/frogleapstudios.

Once Upon a Time in Norway

(Classic Rock) This black metal doc is about Norwegian black metal and contains interviews with Necrobutcher (Mayhem), Messiah (ex-Mayhem), Neddo (Cadaver), Nocturno Culto (Darkthrone), and Tchort (ex-Emperor, Carpathian Forest).

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