Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Pico Rivera, LA cows make jail break: Go vegan

Three dozen cows escape slaughterhouse and stampede through Los Angeles (

(ABC7, June 23, 2021) Cows stampede through Pico Rivera neighborhood: At least 34 cows escaped a Los Angeles County slaughterhouse (hellish abattoir) and were wandering around residential neighborhoods in Pico Rivera.

WWDLD? (What would the Dalai Lama do?) These are not hardy wildebeests of the Himalayas, which is full of buffalo (bison) just like the American Southwest, and lots of Tibetans dress just like Indians with cowboy hats, decked out in silver and turquoise. It's no coincidence. See Rick Fields' How the Swans Came to the Lake. 
Earthlings: What cows face before slaughter

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