Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Pink Floyd singer scolds Zuckerberg (video)

Roger Waters tells Mark Zuckerberg, "F**k you!"
(The Jimmy Dore Show, June 21, 2021) Roger Waters is one of the founders of the legendary psychedelic rock band Pink Floyd.

I always hated Floyd, damn Pinko! And I'm not bald!
He long ago set off on a solo career, after marrying an American and moving to the States. He has long been woke, politically active, and very anti-Trump.

Here he tells the face of Facebook (the phony leader of a government spying ring used to surveil citizens) as well as the phonies on The Young Turks to naff off. Comedian Jimmy Dore breaks it down.

"Pigs (Three Different Ones)"

(Roger Waters) Iconic rockstar Roger Waters performs one of his Pink Floyd classics from his album Animals. He wrote most of the band's songs and performs some of them on tour. Here he is in Zócalo Square, Mexico City (10/1/16) in front of 300,000 fans, rocking hard and denigrating Trump. The resistance has begun.

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