Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Dalai Lama and the better PR he needs (video)

Euro News; Religion for Breakfast; CC Liu, Sheldon S., Ashley Wells, Pfc. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Hey, everyone, look how funny!
Give the guy His Holiness a break! He's God-King of Tibet, an international representing peace and Zen or who knows what people think of him in the popular American imagination.

What do Americans think of the spiritual and former temporal leader of Occupied Tibet, which China claims has always been part of China, like Taiwan and the Muslim majority western part of the Walled Empire?

And, yes, don't ask. HE IS A CIA OPERATIVE, paid off by The Company, likely still receiving royalties for his and some of his followers' participation in a proxy-war against China.

Most Buddhists and fans of other persuasions neither know this nor can they imagine it to be true because that's what PR (public relations) is for: to conceal or put the best spin on everything.

The Dalai Lama Explained: The Last Lama?

(Religion for Breakfast, 3/15/19) "Dalai Lama" is a title for Mr. Tenzin Gyatso, born Lhamo Dhondup.

Due to karma, the Dalai Lama still holds sway.
He is the 14th in a line of rulers or one-and-the-same person if he is indeed being reborn again and again in the human world, found, and successfully recruited to rule each time.

He is the current spiritual -- and former political (temporal) -- leader of the Tibetan people. Tibet, like Rome, was once an empire. That's why Hitler was so interested in it.

A funny Dalai Lama (My hero/Gawker)
It extended across the Himalayas from Mongolia to Bangladesh. And like Rome, Tibet had an emperor who was also its pope.

If a lama is a Vajrayana Buddhist monk, what is a dalai lama? (It's the "biggest Tibetan Vajrayana monk," "head honcho," "imperial Himalayan pope"). And if this one gets his way, will he be the last one? Check out Step Back History's video "What do Buddhists Believe?" for an overview.
Who comes up with his quotes and ghost writes his books? There's a team. (

I am your king. And your pope. And your despotic tyrant with lots of Hollywood and White House friends working with the CIA to destabilize and undermine China in an epic battle between East and West, corrupt capitalism versus capitalist corruption in a fight to rule the world. - All hail!

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