Sunday, June 13, 2021

The next time you get NAKED for the camera...

BBC America aired a great piece of the sexual exploitation of Hollywood actors (6/13/21)
We meant to spell it out in your contract but... - I know. I should've insisted. I had no power.
Wanna see me cam? - I need a rider.
New guidelines published by the Time's Up campaign advise actors to set out their boundaries for scenes involving sex and nudity before they are filmed.

The campaign says a so-called "nudity rider" or "simulated sex waiver" should be in place before filming begins.

Luther actress Ruth Wilson is among those to welcome the initiative. "Everyone deserves to feel safe at work, and these [guidelines] offer a huge step towards that becoming a reality," the His Dark Materials star said.

Hollywood exploits us. Why? Money.
"Riders" are conditions or provisos added to something already agreed, like a contract of employment or a job offer.

Bond actress Naomie Harris also backed guidelines she said would "help arm people with the resources and information needed to determine the best path forward."

Time's Up was established in 2018 by members of the entertainment industry including Shonda Rhimes, Natalie Portman, and America Ferrera to protest against sexual misconduct in the entertainment industry.

The Time's Up UK Guide to Working in Entertainment sets out actors' rights when attending auditions or when shooting nude, intimate, and sex scenes. More

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