Friday, June 4, 2021

Why do we obsess about SEX? (sutra)

German Buddhist monk Ven. Ṭhānuttamo, Numerical Discourses of the Buddha (Saññoga SutraAṅguttara Nikāya 7.48); Ellie Askew, Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
O, Eve! - Adam, it's been this way from the beginning! (Aggañña Sutta) Pussy cat, horny goats?
Is it time to party? - You know it is! Shrooms?
The amount of attraction to the other sex and successful celibacy start with ourselves not the objects of our desires. The other side of the following factors holds true for females.
Meditators, when a male attends internally to his
Guys obsess on masculinity, gals on boy-toys.
  • masculine faculty
  • masculine comportment
  • masculine appearance
  • masculine aspect
  • masculine desire
  • masculine voice
  • masculine ornaments,
he becomes pleased (excited) by these and takes delight in them. Pleased by them, taking delight in them, he attends externally to [a female’s]
  • feminine faculty
  • feminine comportment
  • feminine appearance
  • feminine aspect
  • feminine desire
  • feminine voice
  • feminine ornaments.
Jayne Mansfield is a field for men.
He becomes excited (pleased) by these and takes delight in them. Excited by them, taking delight in them, he desires union externally, and he also desires the pleasure and joy that arise on account of such union.

Beings who are delighted with their masculinity enter upon union with females. It is in this way that a male does not transcend his masculinity...

Meditators, [when] a male does NOT attend internally to his masculine faculty…[or] his masculine ornaments, he does not become pleased by these nor take delight in them.

This is much better. I better get my shirt on.
Not pleased by them, not taking delight in them, he does not attend externally to [a female’s] feminine faculty...[nor] her feminine ornaments.

[So] he does not become pleased by these nor take delight in them. Not pleased by them, not taking delight in them, he does not desire union externally, nor does he desire the pleasure and joy that arise on account of such union.

Beings who are not delighted with their masculinity become disengaged from females. It is in this way that a male transcends his masculinity.
  • Is it karma or chemicals in the water? LGBTQI
    This just in: Ayya Uttama, a Burmese Buddhist nun in California, claims that according to the Commentary, when we are approaching the "End Times" for this cycle of the current world-system, males will go around dressing like females and females like males, and it will become difficult to tell the difference. Wisdom Quarterly is actively tracking down the reference to see if this claim holds up.

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