Monday, July 5, 2021

42 names for "Earth" from around the world

Kidadl Team (kidadl, 11./30/20); Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Of course, Devi Earth is brown like the Ground
Let's begin with the real name of Earth according to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "Deep Thought." Without knowing that, nothing that happens on the surface will ever make sense.

Here is a list from that covers other words for Earth in various languages from across the world.

Earth is a goddess dryads know.
There are almost 7,000 languages spoken in the world and that fact can sometimes be hard to believe.

These languages tie in with the rich history of the cultures of their respective regions. Language is perhaps the most important invention of humankind. It is one of the reasons we have become so advanced among the animals.

Without external communication there wouldn’t have been anything of a culture for subsequent groups to find -- about ancient India (IVC), Egypt, Greece, Sumeria, and other civilizations.

[We might have read each others' minds instead like some animals and unseen beings do, and that might have been better.]

Today, we have over 7,000 languages on the planet. To marvel at the sheer number of languages we have today, let us take a look at just one word in different languages – "Earth."

Mother Earth in Rome: Tellus Mater
For instance, the oldest name for Earth is "Tellus," or Tellus Mater, which comes from ancient Rome. [No one ever thought to name the ground, the dirt, the Urd, the soil before that? Good thing those Romans ruled the human realm with a vicious empire that tromped Tellus.]

These languages from various times also include Old English, Greek, French, Latin, Hebrew (but not the much older Sanskrit, where it is named after the Goddess or Devi Prithvi, "Mother Earth," Prithvi Mata, in the Buddha's language of Pali, PathavÄ«), and so on. The most interesting of the names for Earth come from mythologies.

India's Prithvi, Indonesia
There’s a story behind each word. Another interesting fact behind this amazing planet is that its scientific code name is simply the "Earth," as if there's only one in the world-system, galaxy, or universe.

The name "Terra" is sometimes also used in scientific writing. This list includes some of the most popular Earth synonyms used in languages other than English.

Some of these words are so beautiful that they can be used as baby names. Want more nature-related inspiration for names that mean Earth, such as earthy boys names? See Kidadl. More

This is a fake CGI representation, a fantasy piece of art by NASA, but it's about all we have.

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