Thursday, July 15, 2021

Devotional "faith" at California monastery

Evening pūjā at Abhayagiri
(Abhayagiri) "Faith" (saddha, "confidence" or "conviction" in the Three Jewels) is de-emphasized in Theravada Buddhism, which attempts to go back to the instructions of the historical Buddha and apply them exactly according to ancient instructions.

What is the point of chanting the Dharma?
Theravada is in a sense a revival, a back-to-Buddhist-basics movement dominant in Thailand, Burma, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and Laos but reaching many other lands, mainly through expats and to a lesser degree by converts.

Westerners (particularly British and German) brought this closer to the original form of the  Buddha's Dhamma (Dharma, Doctrine, Teaching) home to the Americas, Russia, Europe, Australia, England, and New Zealand.

The Buddha is best honored by practice.
But confidence, trust, faith, security, reassurance, and belief are vital to setting off on the Path to enlightenment and liberation from all suffering. It is not the crucial ingredient. Practice is.

But what leads us to practice -- or even to resolve to practice or to believe that practice is a worthwhile goal -- other going for guidance (sarana) and confidence in the Three Guides (Triple Gem):
  1. Teacher (Buddha)
  2. Teaching (Dhamma)
  3. Taught (Sangha)?
So it is beautiful and reassuring that the young Western monks of California are "keeping the faith," following age-old devotional practices to enhance their meditation and contemplative practices that lead to insight and wisdom.

Confidence can keep us going when wisdom wavers. Join Abhayagiri Monastery's evening puja or devotional time.

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