Saturday, July 17, 2021

"I'm leaving the Left!" -- Italian NY lesbian

“You cannot be woke enough” for the Left
(Sky News Australia, 2/29/20) LGBT activist Arielle Scarcella says the manipulation of LGBTQI terms, largely by the Left, is done for “validation” and “moral superiority point-scoring.”

Ms. Scarcella, who has a YouTube following of more than 600,000 worldwide, was invited to speak at the 2020 Sydney, Australia’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.

But she was de-platformed after being accused of transphobia on her channel. She told Sky News she has “always gotten more hate from the super-progressive woke Left,” who are “very manipulative with the language.” “You cannot be woke enough,” summarizes a Sky News anchor.

In a recent YouTube video, she embraced her “conservative label” and announced she was “officially leaving the left.” “Every day the words people are using to define themselves are changing; we cannot keep up,” she said. “More women are coming out as queer and leaving the word lesbian behind.”

“It is not okay to take away a word and a definition that has meant something for some people and still means something for a lot of people,” she says.

Image: Getty

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