Friday, July 23, 2021

Jewish-Buddhist CIA madman Sid Gottlieb

Stephen Kinzer, Host Mitch Jeserich, Letters & Politics (, Berkeley, 7/22/21), "Evolution of the U.S. Foreign Policy (Part III)"; Pfc. Sandoval, CC Liu, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media" - CIA Director Wm. Colby
How CIA scientist Sidney Gottlieb became'the most prolific torturer of his generation' (Daily Mail)
The CIA, Sidney Gottlieb, and the Search for Mind Control
Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA...
INTERVIEW: Jewish pseudo-Buddhist CIA amoral "mad scientist" Sidney Gottlieb, the Company's "poisoner in chief," liked to play with LSD.

He should have taken it. Instead, he force fed it to others in large does, experimenting on them in the way the Nazis taught the CIA how.

Dosing people with acid had two motives, to destroy their mind and to master them by mind control ("brainwashing"). Erase the chalkboard, the tabla rasa, then write something the CIA wants written on it. Nazi doctors had already started these experiments; Gottlieb just continued them for the CIA's MK-Ultra black budget secret human trials program.

Shut up, Lady Liberty!
A few years ago it would have been "tinfoil hat" time to even entertain the possibility of such a "conspiracy theory" being true. Now it's documented FACT for all the non-believers defending the uprightness of the USA.

In fact, we are the great purveyor of violence in  the world" (MLK Jr.), the problem other sovereign nations face, the world's police, the current parasitic empire.

Who will stand up within that empire, while living in the luxury of it as if this were ancient Rome, to speak truth to power, denouncing our crimes against humanity? Anyone? Anyone American at all? Ah, then let us go back to the peaceful sleep of our ignorance, brought on by more sugar cookies and TV programming.

GUEST: investigative journalist and former New York Times foreign correspondent, now Senior Fellow at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University Stephen Kinzer, author of the book Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control.

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