Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Government censoring "thought crimes" (video)

Mike MacRae, Jimmy Dore (; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly Wikipedia edit

Mark Zuckerberg is my mom's God.
"Thoughtcrime" is a Newspeak word in George Orwell's dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.

It describes politically unacceptable thoughts, such as doubts that contradict an authoritarian figure like "Big Brother" (the Surveillance State).

If one so much as thinks of rebelling, one is already a criminal. In the official language, the word "crimethink" describes the intellectual actions of a person who so much as entertains politically unacceptable thoughts.

The dictatorship/government of the ruling party controls the speech, actions, and  even the thoughts of its citizens.

In American English usage today, the word describes beliefs that are contrary to accepted norms dictated by the "thought police." This also applies to theological concepts (like freethinking or atheism) which as in politics, are not allowed. More

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