Friday, July 9, 2021

Trump on Hitler; Jim on drugs; gays on sofas

I took the idea of "concentration camps" and eugenics from the USA's treatment of Indians.

Trump praises Hitler, Republicans refuse vaccines, IKEA's gay couches! 
(Jimmy Kimmel Live, July 7, 2021) Guest Host Wanda Sykes is back for Night 2 and she's talking about:

Who's more racist, Adolph or Donny?
The rumor she started that Jimmy K is in rehab, McDonald Trump said "Hitler did a lot of good things," Republicans are much less likely to get injected with a toxic stew of experimental chemicals passing for an approved vaccination (when by law no one can sue anybody if something goes wrong even disability or death), a new edition of “This Week in COVID History,” Sha’carri Richardson is suspended from the Olympics after testing positive for marijuana (legal "performance enhancing" Cannabis sativa), and gay Kimmel writer Louis Virtel gives his thoughts on the new Pride sofas from IKEA.

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