Saturday, July 3, 2021

"Yoga Is: A Transformational Journey" (film)

Yoga means eight limbs to "union" of body, breath, and mind as summarized by Patanjali

(Magnolia via YouTube Movies, May 24, 2019) This is the story of a woman who thought she had it all -- until she lost her beloved mother to cancer. Trying to process and understand her profound grief, Suzanne Bryant embarked on a journey and turned to a deeper practice of yoga. Along the way she discovers what YOGA IS.

Great translation of Yoga Sutras
Her journey led her to India, where she studied various disciplines of yoga and met with respected gurus. During her visit she came face-to-face with a near-death experience (NDE) and discovered that something had shifted within her. The light had returned.

Inspired by her experience she returned to the U.S. to explore what yoga means to the West and how it can transform lives. What she found was something wonderful: a path that enables anyone to transform suffering in order to experience daily peace and happiness.
  • Provider: Magnolia, rating PG, released 2012, running time 1:04:21, English. Actor, director, producer, writer Suzanne Bryant. Genre: Independent documentary.

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