Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Afghanistan: US veteran whistleblower Hale

US soldier-whistleblower Daniel Hale jailed for exposing US war crimes
Code Pink's Medea stands by whistleblower Hale
In May 2019 American drone-operator/whistleblower Daniel Everette Hale was arrested and indicted on allegations that he disclosed classified documents about the military’s assassination program.

He is believed to have been the source material for a series in The Intercept called “The Drone Papers.”

On March 31, 2021 Hale pleaded guilty to a single count under the Espionage Act, carrying a maximum sentence of 10 years. On July 27, 2021 he was sentenced to 45 months in prison.

"Who sacrifices liberty for security deserves neither"
Hale is a veteran of the US Air Force
. During his military service from 2009 to 2013, he participated in the US drone program [killing by remote control], working with both the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Joint Special Operations Task Force at the Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.

After leaving the Air Force, Hale became an outspoken opponent of the US targeted killings program, US foreign policy more generally, and a supporter of whistleblowers.

He publicly spoke out at conferences, forums, and public panels. He was featured prominently in the award-winning documentary National Bird, a film about whistleblowers in the US drone program who suffered from moral injury and PTSD.

Hale based his criticisms on his own participation in the drone program, which included helping to select targets based on faulty criteria and attacks on unarmed innocent civilians. More

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