Friday, August 27, 2021

Elon Musk introduces Tesla Sex Bot (video)

Watch Elon Musk playing Steve Jobs at Tesla AI Show introduce new Tesla Robot
Tesla self-driving mode leaves hands free for robot to perform manual function (Tesla AI Day)
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What did we just finish saying about Elon Musk? Invest. He's a shill, a make believe, an artifice, window dressing, a distraction from the real thing, a messenger and face for the powers that be just like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates.
Sell soul to gov't, cash check, get media attention
(People) Tesla CEO Elon Musk is hoping to bring human-like robots into his billion-dollar company.

During Tesla's AI Day on Thursday (Aug. 20, 2021), which showcased some of the company's ongoing artificial intelligence projects, Musk unveiled drawings of a [sexy] "Tesla Bot."

The life-size humanoid robot is said to "eliminate dangerous, repetitive [like self-pleasuring?] and boring tasks."

With ad campaign, who'll go along to get along?
"In the future, physical work will be a choice," Musk, 50, said at the event.

"We're making the pieces that would be useful for [building] a humanoid robot, so we should probably make it. If we don't, someone else will — and we want to make sure it's safe."
We're controlled like bots by public relations.
According to the CEO, the bot, which has eight cameras, will be able to use Tesla's autopilot software to drive the company's vehicles. It will be able to lift 150 lbs. and carry 45 lbs., traveling at about 5 MPH. More

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