Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Dhamma Studies: The Fourth Messenger (video)

Fourth Messenger, Dhamma Studies, Unit 1, Lesson 1; Dhr. Seven, Ellie Askey, Wisdom Quarterly

Sariputta, Foremost in Wisdom
The Buddha talks about two types of people who are rare to find in the world, namely, (1) those such as parents who are the first to do a kindness (pubbakārī) and (2) those who are grateful and appreciative for past kindnesses (kataññūkatavedī). Though these virtues figure significantly in many traditional Buddhist countries manifesting as filial piety and reciprocal gratitude, they are often neglected in countries where Buddhism is only newly emerging. In this section, we examine these two hard to find qualities through examining primary sutras or discourses and related commentaries. Download the topic’s flashcard deck on Quizlet or Anki for further study. More

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