Sunday, August 22, 2021

Getting high in Afghanistan (video)

Drew Binsky; Spark (UK); Fox News (US); Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

How Afghanistan gets high (hash)
(Drew Binsky, 4/11/19) Binsky investigates. The country of Afghanistan is world-renowned for its hashish or the most potent form of cannabis [other than dab]. In fact, it's believed that hash originated in this country (Afghan ganja Kush hashish from the Hindu Kush mountains, which are part of the Himalayas). Even today it's the world's largest exporter. Some people even say that Afghanistan is synonymous with hash. This traveler wants to dive deep into the hash culture of Afghanistan, so a friend and he went to the province of Balkh, and this is what they discovered. Would a right-minded person try hash?

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Footage shows US military claiming many in the Afghan Army were taking drugs
(Fox News, Aug. 21, 2021) What drugs are they doing, opium? FentanylMeth? Afghani Kush/Ganja? Aspartame? Independent journalist Michael Tracey weighs in on the U.S. "conflict" in Afghanistan after the U.S. withdrawal on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

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