Wednesday, August 18, 2021

In Afghanistan, exploring Kabul (travel video)

I'm back in Afghanistan (exploring Kabul)
(Drew Binsky, Nov. 18, 2020) ► Daily travel videos. ► Instagram I have just returned safely from spending two and a half incredible weeks in Afghanistan and have so many stories to tell in this 9-part series.

Rural Afghanistan is in the news.
I am excited to share these untold stories. It's going be wild. The last time I was in this country was 18 months ago, and I have very amazing memories from that trip. This time around has deepened my love and appreciation for Afghan culture, history, nature, and the people. On my first few days back, I spent time in Kabul and visited completely new areas. This video highlights experiences (and anxieties) from returning to one of "the world's most dangerous countries."
France 24 shows the darker side of fundamentalist Muslim Taliban control

WHO'S DREW? Rich Drew Binsky is going to visit all 197 countries in the world. He makes daily travel videos about people, culture, and anything else he finds interesting on the road. His ultimate goal is to inspire others to travel far and wide, because our planet is beautiful. More CONTACT: and (310) 349-3854.
(France 24 English, 6/11/21) The withdrawal of US-led forces from Afghanistan has set the stage for a return of the Taliban, 20 years after they were ousted using the pretext of the staged 9/11 attacks. In this report for Arte and FRANCE 24, Correspondents Margaux Benn and Solène Chalvon Fioriti offer an in-depth look at Taliban rule, with its schools and court of justice – and a chilling foretaste of daily life under Islamic fundamentalists.

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