Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Inside the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan

Ben C. Solomon, VICE News; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

(VICE News, Aug. 17, 2021) Reporter Ben C. Solomon and his team were in Kandahar, Afghanistan, as the local Taliban closed in. In a VICE News Tonight special report, VICE News looks at the sweeping takeover in Afghanistan and what's next.

(According to a recent poll, the average married couple in Afghanistan has eight kids with an average life expectancy of 65).

The Taliban was never going to share power
(VICE News, Aug. 17, 2021) VICE News' Hind Hassan spent time with the Taliban in both last year and in January. Despite the insistence of Afghan leaders in Kabul, Taliban commanders told her they will not participate in intra-Afghan talks with the aim of power-sharing in the current political system. She also witnessed the Taliban justice system first hand.

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