Sunday, August 29, 2021

My search: "Chasing the Present" (film)

What shall we offer the great tulku...frankincense, myrrh, or turmeric? (B. Rich/Hedgeye)

A materially successful young man, riddled with anxiety, embarks on a worldwide journey of self-inquiry.

From the streets of New York, to the stillness of the river Ganges, and deep into the jungles of Peru, he immerses himself in meditation and plant medicine while conversing with top experts like:

Chasing the Present documentary teaser
  • Russell Brand
  • Alex Grey
  • Graham Hancock
  • Buddhist teacher Joseph Goldstein
  • Rupert Spira
  • Sri Prem Baba
  • Zelda Hall, and more
to find the root cause of the problem and learn how to finally find freedom from this crippling anxiety. He finds answers to why a person who seemingly has it all can continue to suffer from debilitating panic attacks.

We can recognize the beauty and power that lies within each of us, if we are willing to go there. Let the journey begin with Chasing the Present. More

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