Thursday, August 5, 2021

Coast to Coast Host George Noory vs. Shaman

Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Seth Auberon; Erika Buenaflor (MU); Wisdom Quarterly

Animal Medicine Journey
(Erika Buenaflor, 8/1/21) Talk, book signing, virtual and in person:

Kind, brain-injured visionary shaman Buenaflor
Experience a guided-journey into nonordinary realms — Upper-, Middle-, and Underworld — and open up to an animal guide and medicines from these realms.

What's wrong with George Noory?
I drink, I get plastic surgery, I dye my hair, I claim to be youthful and fit. I'm Georgie.
I'm pro-war and prefer Pres. Donald Trump.
As further evidence that Coast to Coast Host George "The Nighthawk" Noory is an inane egoic dimwit, on July 28, 2021 the second scheduled guest was Los Angeles Shaman Erika Buenaflor a curandera or native "healer."

As Noory brought her on for the second half of the show, he could not pronounce the Spanish word cu-ran-de-ris-mo -- just as he has trouble pronouncing many English words.

He asked if he had said it correctly as he butchered it, and she laughed at him, saying: "Not even close!" This so infuriated the dullard Noory that he soon threw her off the air and brought on a replacement guest skilled in kissing up to him. And, boy, did she ever.

Animal Medicine: A Curanderismo Guide
All guests must learn to kiss up to Noory or blithely ignore his intrusions, non sequiturs, and distractions, always trying to make himself look good and knowledgeable when he is the opposite. He is constantly fishing for compliments and is angry when he doesn't get them instead of just stepping out of the way and letting guests say what they've come to say.

Noory hallucinates he's psychic, a remote viewer, an empath, constantly finishing rhetorical sentences for guests as if his "psychic powers" told him what they were going to say. For years he's says he's sensed that everything's just "weird," asking, "Doesn't anybody fell that?" It's nothing definitive he'll commit to, just a vague sense. What a dumbbell.

For years he's predicted a massive solar event, certain it would happen any moment and hyping any near misses. Now he's shut up about it, after having been wrong for so long. But he'll bring it up whenever the sun is mentioned. He constantly shows how ordinary he is because he can't use his linear thinking to figure out the Big Bang. It just doesn't make sense. "Somebody explain it to me!" Nope, I still don't get it, like Oprah pretending her moods are reflected in lipstick shades after a study said that was what ordinary women felt. What a bag of hot air, tamping down every guest lest they say something his handlers don't want said.

It's not the quality of the information one has that gets one on the air at C2C. It's how one navigates a self-satisfied host who doesn't read the books of people he's interviewing, doesn't admit not knowing anything, doesn't avoid non sequiturs that illustrate how little he's paying attention, doesn't skip prepared questions written for him by somebody else even after the guest just said that very thing! His moronic and avuncular style must play well in the South or sleepy places where it's all about gentility and Southern belle manners. But he's broadcasting from megalopolis L.A.

In nonordinary realms with plant medicine
When I met him, he was drunk and clumsy with his hands, rolling out the same rehearsed things he says to everyone. On every show for every guest, he has three go-to questions that make him seem like he is either properly prepared or at least very "nice." Listen for them: "How'd you get started in all this?" "What's the best story you have/most exciting thing you can tell us?" "Where can people get your book, Amazon?"

There are others like the deep and probing, "So how've you been?" or "We last had you on [looks up the date and pretends he remembers the previous visit]; what have you been up to since then?" Yeah, just recount your entire life for his small talk as he attempts to control the whole interview, gatekeeping, not allowing forbidden topics or opinions, and never missing an opportunity to virtue-signal. He's the insufferable Noory.

I shouldn't have laughed at the lummox.
He's reading answers off his screen and someone's talking into his ear feeding him answers, and still he's a moron who can't work in replies in a timely or appropriate way. And he hangs up on everybody. No goodbyes, just cut off or dampened and ignored, and he always has to have he last word, no matter how idiotic, irrelevant, or forced it is. Does no one notice the dampening button he uses to cut everyone off because he doesn't have the people skills to see them off gracefully?

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