Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Strange News of the Day (Steve Quayle)

  • Unbelievable: Taliban troll Biden on Twitter by posing with ice cream; The whole world sees "Hiding Biden" as a cartoon character; battle hardened warriors toasting him with cones
  • US declares first ever Colorado River water shortage – Arizona and Nevada affected
  • Kabul evacuation flights take off EMPTY as Taliban close off airport making it impossible for Western ex-pats and Afghans to get through; hundreds are being left behind every day 
  • From "cover-up to catastrophe," The Globalists' "extermination project" targeting over 7 billion people is ramping up the carnage. What faster way to overthrow America than taking down the US military?
  • Black Hole megastructures may be powering alien civilizations, scientists say: Dyson spheres encompassing black holes could yield up to one million times more energy than those built around stars, according to a new study
  • FLASHBACK: Hawaiian volcanic eruption intentionally triggered to generate massive tsunami? With China declaring open warfare on Taiwan, much concern behind Hawaii, scenes on nuke initiating West Coast tsunami disaster
  • China warns Taiwan that the fate of the fake Afghan government will soon come to their fake government; China Joe's betrayal of US citizens is obvious to America's former allies who anticipated his betrayals
  • Tsunami alert issued after 6.9 magnitude earthquake hits Vanuatu then withdrawn: Tsunami alert was issued following earthquake that hit the South Pacific island on Wednesday
  • The false specter of "domestic terrorism threats" is a government plot to control and incarcerate all dissenters -"The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression... Now do you begin to understand me?" (George Orwell)
  • California Gov. Newsom says mandatory statewide water restrictions for California may be on the way; they know exactly when they will implement them. By September it will be obvious
  • The American people, a permanent underclass, have allowed themselves to be so distracted and divided that they have failed to notice the building blocks of tyranny
  • Twitter refuses to ban Taliban: Terrorists do NOT "glorify violence" pressure mounts on social media giant as Ex-Pres. Trump still banned from platform 
  • Biden refuses to help 40,000 Americans trapped in Afghanistan: Americans could face mass slaughter if not rescued
  • As Joe Biden turns his back on America and the world, and all things now in a state of constant turmoil, chaos, and upheaval, Western Civilization is in full disintegration: Madness and insanity in the land and no one helps Americans in Afghanistan
  • Central banks are now in the endgame: Moral and ethical values are gone, and crime is rampant. This regularly happens at the end of major eras or cycles
  • Luciferian elites continue to steal elections and terrorize humanity until they meet overwhelming resistance: The laws and constitution are not going to save us because those in charge of applying them lack the courage to stand up to the coup
  • Collapse of Afghanistan has brought US closer to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan... Chinese leaders love what they're seeing, and they can’t help but express their delight
  • Exclusive: Space Force officer punished for denouncing Marxism to leave military: I believe I’m able to continue serving my country outside of the service and out of uniform, perhaps in a better way than in uniform at the moment
  • Ye shall not surely die… But create the serpent’s seed… Meet the scientists who put their faith in the lie that we can "cure" death
  • Titans under the Earth: Evidence for Cloud Eaters, Tall Ones, and the mounds of Pennsylvania
  • As LTC Robert Maginnis also warns in his groundbreaking new book: Marxist America is Becoming the New Anti-God Soviet Union
  • Countdown to 2025 and the secret destiny of America, Pt. 18: Dark Winter is coming "Pray that our flights not be in the winder"
  • "Megadrought: Vanishing Water: I have released this early so people can accelerate their preps, drought, and food scarcity is manifesting by way of empty grocery shelves worldwide
  • Mother 5 months pregnant with heart issues turned away because not vaccinated, sues hospital
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