Monday, August 23, 2021

Summer of Love, Oregon: Proud Boys vs Antifa

Mixed messages, mounting tensions as Proud Boys,  Antifa face off in Portland (Oregon Live)

Proud Boys versus "Antifa" in Portland at "Summer of Love"
(FNTV: FreedomNewsTV, Aug. 22, 2021) PORTLAND, Oregon - Clashes between Proud Boys and Antifa in Portland, flash bangs, pepper spray, and fireworks rang all around, after "Antifa" marched to an abandoned K-Mart parking lot, where they confronted Proud Boys and other attendees of the planned "Summer of Love" event.

(Russell Brand) They want us to hate eachother.
The event was originally moved away from downtown Portland to avoid confrontations, according to organizers. Video by Oliya Scootercaster (FNTV Freedomnews.TV).

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