Monday, August 16, 2021

US victorious, leaves Afghanistan in ruins

I. Rony, Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; Joe Biden; FOX; CNBC

Golden face of the Buddha in Mes Aynak
Once a great Buddhist land where the Buddha and Buddhism originated (Scythian Shakya or Saka Land), with the largest Buddha statues in the world, ancient Gandhara (modern Afghanistan), particularly Bamiyan, Mes Aynak, Tillya Tepe, Kabul/Kapilavastu (, the US has reduced this war torn land -- invaded by the British, the Russians, the US, and next by the Chinese -- to ruin. It has remained the poorest country in the world, just the sort of land the USA is famous for invading and destroying in the laughable name of feminism, democracy, and human rights.

Former Buddhas of Bamiyan, Hindu Kush
It is good to finally get out, having drained the sovereign nation of everything. US citizens, waving flags and mindlessly chanting "USA! USA! USA!" like bloodthirsty capitalist warlords, were never told why we were there. Pres. Bush and Co-Pres. Dick Cheney sure gave excuses and lies, but no actual reasons were given. It's a strategic place that all empires wish to rule.

Afghan Buddha, ancient Gandhara of the Scythians
The people are White-Asians, literal Caucasians, Eurasians, Aryans (Indo-Iranians), but the racist US did not care about that. Pres. Biden is only to happy to abandon the failed effort that secretly succeeded. We would never be leaving unless we had gotten what we came for, whatever that was.

The CIA knows, and it was the CIA that pushed for the Taliban to destroy the Buddhas of Bamiyan, a UNESCO world heritage site, to infuriate the world and allow any American atrocity, known and unknown, exposed and yet to be exposed. What has WikiLeaks shown? What do returning combat troops have to say? What will insiders leak?

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