Saturday, August 21, 2021

Vietnam refugee cries for Kabul on NPR

SCMPNPR/Morning Edition Sat.; Pfc. Sandoval, CC Liu, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Fall of Saigon parallels fall of Kabul
Karma makes strange bedfellows
(Weekend Edition Saturday, NPR, Aug. 21, 2021) Here are seven gripping minutes of weeping and one-sided reportage. It might have been better to have a Talibe from the CIA/ISI-created Taliban explain what's going on rather than a professional victim from feelgood American newspaper USA Today.

I cry to sell books and prop MS media
Drama sells better for writer Thuan Le Elston (author of Rendezvous at the Altar: Vietnam to Virginia) wail and whines with Scott Simon about her experience fleeing Saigon as a 3-year-old child and how she relates to the current crisis in Afghanistan during the Fall of Kabul.
Avalanche of fearsome anti-Taliban articles
Joe Biden is a bad man, and the mainstream media never met a war it didn't like enough to back and profit from. Let's hate the Taliban and go back to war to kill them all for being mean to girls and wanting to practice Islam their way, the way the CIA taught them it should be practiced. Is that the implicit message?

Bye-bye, Buddhas of Bamiyan
Scott Simon (NPR)
Hey, Scott Simon, say something about the Buddhas of Bamiyan the CIA and Pakistan's ISI had their "Taliban" destroy to garner support for invading Afghanistan and stay for 20 years of nation-building and military-industrial spending (i.e., siphoning off and stealing) more than one or two trillion US dollars.

US War on Afghanistan cartoon gallery: The Taliban take over their country (

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