Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Hardcore Zen: The famous Fox Koan (video)

(Hardcore Zen, Sept. 13, 2021) The famous wild fox koan is explained by American punk sensei Brad Warner, who has a surprising amount of knowledge regarding Japanese, Zen Buddhism, and the ancient texts.

The fox in an archetype.
The wild fox kōan, also known as "Pai-chang 's fox" and "Hyakujō and a Fox," is an influential story or kōan [perplexing riddle or mind twister to help the mind drop the illusion of linear logic] in the Zen tradition dating back as early as 1036, when it appeared in the Chinese biographical history T'ien-sheng kuang-teng lu. It was also in The Gateless Gate (無門關, Wúménguān, 無門関, Mumonkan), a 13th-century collection of 48 kōans compiled by the Chinese monk Wumen, as Case 2. More

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