Thursday, September 9, 2021

How to Win Friends and... (the Buddhist Way)

Sheldon S., Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly Wiki edit
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Hatthaka Ālavaka (Sanskrit Hastaka Āṭavaka), also known as "Hatthaka of Alavi" (Sanskrit Āṭavī), was an enlightened chief lay male disciple of the Buddha, along with Citta.

He was at the stage of enlightenment of an anāgāmi or "non-returner."

The Buddha considered Hatthaka the lay disciple foremost in gathering a following using the "four bases of popularity." He was known for his ability to bring others to Buddhism [Notes 1, 2].

The Pali name Hatthaka (Hastaka) comes from the Sanskrit word hasta meaning "hand." It refers to the disciple being handed over to the Buddha by the yakkha Alavaka ("The Ogre of Alavi" or "The Yaksha Āṭavaka") then by the Buddha to the king's messengers.

According to the Pali canon Commentary (SA.iii.223), Hatthaka was one of seven laymen who was always accompanied by a retinue or large number of lay disciples.

He is mentioned in the Buddhavamsa (xxvi.19) along with Citta as a chief layman and considered the foremost in gathering a following using the "Four Bases of Popularity," which are:
  1. giving gifts (beneficence, generosity)
  2. speaking kind words
  3. doing kind deeds
  4. treating people without bias (equality)
The Buddha praised him for possessing an additional eight qualities:
  1. confidence (faith)
  2. virtue (sila)
  3. conscientiousness
  4. fear of blame
  5. ability to listen well
  6. charity
  7. wisdom (discernment)
  8. modesty (A.iv.218f; his modesty in particular is also mentioned elsewhere, e.g., at A.iv.216).
Passing away and attainments
Hatthaka finally achieved the state of non-returning (the penultimate state before full enlightenment) and was reborn in the Aviha world in the Pure Abodes.

As a deva (lit. "shining one," light being, deity), he once tried to visit the Buddha back on earth but collapsed and was unable to stand upright.
  • [As a "non-returner" many would argue there should be no way for Hatthaka to return to this world to visit the Buddha or do anything else. However, the Buddha and any attained people can visit or see the Pure Abodes, a place where everyone is certain to reach full enlightenment.]
The Buddha recommended that Hatthaka assume a grosser physical form, after which he was able to regain his composure and stand. Hatthaka informed the Buddha that in that world, he was constantly surrounded by devas who wished to learn the Dharma from him [quite like his life on earth due to karma].

He also stated that he had passed away with three regrets:
  1. 1) not having seen enough of the Buddha, his unexcelled Teacher;
  2. not having heard enough of the Dharma, the unexcelled Teaching that leads to enlightenment and nirvana;
  3. not having served enough the [Noble] Sangha [3], the unexcelled Taught disciples of the Buddha who had successfully followed Teacher and Teaching to their attainments.
Past life (jataka)
The Jatakas translated by T. W. Rhys Davids
The Chinese version of the Vinaya-Vibhaṅga (T1442) relates a past life (jataka) story of one of Hatthaka's former lives.

There were once two brothers who lived in the forest. The elder brother was named Hastapādajālin (手足網鞔, Shǒuzúwǎngmán) and the younger was named Nir-hastapādajālin (無網鞔, Wúwǎngmán, or simply Jālika).

The elder brother was an ascetic, whereas the younger practiced under a teacher. On one occasion, one of the daughters of the teacher expressed interest in marrying Nir-hastapādajālin. He refused and she became infuriated.

Due to her ability to stretch her arm far distances and given that she shared an abode with demons, the brother decided to flee. She pursued him.

And in her rage she attempted to kill him with her sword. At the last moment, Nir-hastapādajālin cried out in devotion to his elder brother, Hastapādajālin, who swept him away to safety in his forest hermitage.

There the younger brother became a forest ascetic and developed the Five Supernormal Powers [the fist set of supernormal knowledges] like his  elder brother.

The text reveals that in that life Hastapādajālin was the Bodhisattva ("Buddha-to-be"), Nir-hastapādajālin was Hatthaka Ālavaka, and the woman was Queen Śyāmavatī [4]. More

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