Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Hydrating with food and water; spirituality

Gina Bria, G-Man Noory (C2C, 9/14/21); Pat Macpherson, S. Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Water, Hydration, and Food
Cultural anthropologist Gina Bria has been researching ritual foods and strategies for over 25 years. She reports on scientific breakthroughs in water science and personal hydration.

One of the surprising findings is that rather than drinking eight glasses of water a day, eating certain plants could provide plenty of hydration. Many fruits and vegetables, like leafy greens, are up to 98% water. And it's mineralized water, which is more hydrating than regular water. It's absorbed and released by the body more slowly, she explains.
The Secret Intelligence of Water
"An apple can hydrate you more than a bottle of water," she claims. And bottled water tends to "flash flood" the system, in contrast to moisture locked up in food. Bottled and tap water lack energy because they have "disorganized molecules...that aren't spinning together in a way that creates energy," Bria says.

To counteract this, she recommends tossing in a pinch of Himalayan pink salt or quality sea salt(which has a periodic table of trace minerals), squeezed lemon, or a splash of apple cider vinegar into water to re-energize it.

Hydration is a multi-level process closely related to energy levels and mood, she reports, and when a person is dehydrated, s/he may exhibit signs of crankiness or fatigue before even feeling thirsty. Hydration can also have a spiritual dimension. For instance, a study of ceremonial bathing in the Ganges river in India on specific days found that the water was more crystalline during certain moon phases and that it therefore elevated bathers' physical well-being. More + AUDIO

Benefits of spiritual practices
Rupert Sheldrake, a former research fellow at the Royal Society, discussed his work on various spiritual practices that are personally transformative and have scientifically measurable effects. Studies show that those with a religious or spiritual practice are healthier and happier than those without one, and they tend to live longer, Sheldrake claims. This includes sports and athletic pursuits, which for many Americans are the only form of spirituality they practice. Through sports participants often find themselves living in the moment (being mindful and present), just as one might be during meditation. Fasting, which is found in many religions and shamanic societies, is associated with extended lifespan and moments of peak insight, he adds.

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