Thursday, September 23, 2021

Lay Buddhist role model Nanda's mother (video)

Ayya Vimalanyani (; Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
"Mother Nature" in 2021 | Madhubani painting, Indian folk art, Madhubani art (

Role models: Nandamata with Ayya, Pt. 2/4
(Buddhist Insights) In this four-part series, Ayya Vimalanyani explores the lives and practices of four chief lay disciples. Sutra translation by Ven. Sujato ( To learn more about Buddhist Insights:

SUTRA: Nandamātā
The story of Nandamata (
AN 7.53) Thus have I heard. At one time Ven. Sāriputta and Ven. Mahā Moggallāna were wandering ascetics in the Southern Hills with large communities of wandering ascetics following them. At that time the laywoman Veḷukaṇṭakī, Nanda’s mother (Nandamata), rose at dawn and recited the Buddhist verses known as “The Way to the Beyond.” At that time the great King Vessavaṇa was on his way north to south on some business. He heard Nanda’s Mother reciting and stood waiting for her to finish. When her recital was over she fell silent. Then, knowing that she had finished, King Vessavaṇa applauded, saying:

“Good, sister, good!”

“But who might you be, dear?”

“Sister, I am your brother, the great King Vessavaṇa.” More

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