Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Meditating in Sedona (video)

Boosters (bodymindspiritjourneys.com); Ananda (DMB), Dhr. Seven, Tink (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

C'mon, ancient spirits, open this vortex!
The original visitors to Sedona, Arizona, were probably the ancestors of the indigenous Navajo and Apache [Southern Hopi, Anasazi, and Sinagua] Native Americans, who came for spiritual purposes such as vision quests.

In the mid 20th century, Hollywood film crews came to Sedona, Arizona. They were more interested in the picturesque red rock formations than the less obvious attractions.

But soon after, in the 1950s, it became an artistic center, with such notable residents as author Kahlil Gibran and sculptor and surrealist painter Max Ernst.

It was then that people practicing yoga and meditation realized that certain hilltop locations seemed to enhance their spiritual [breath-centric] practices.

Sedona’s fame burst into the public eye in 1987 when the Harmonic Convergence was held there, due to a large extent because trance-medium Page Bryant (and here spirit guide "Albion") had identified four energy vortices as the focal points of Sedona’s remarkable power.

In 1995, the Chamber of Commerce did a study showing that 64% of the 4,000,000 [5 million in 2020] annual visitors to Sedona came in order to gain “some kind of spiritual experience.” More

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