Thursday, October 28, 2021

Men trapped in childhood: Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson: Men who are trapped in childhood
(Better Chapter, Oct. 4, 2021) There's a sacrificial element in maturation, right? You have to sacrifice the pluri-potentiality of childhood for the actuality of a frame and the question is, Well, why would you do that? Well, one reason is it happens to you whether you do it or not. You can either choose your damn limitation or you can let it take you unawares when you're 30 or even worse when you're 40. And then that is not a happy day.

🎓 ABOUT JORDAN PETERSON: Audio clip taken and edited from Jordan B. Peterson, a Canadian clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. Prof. Peterson has become a controversial figure ever since speaking out against Bill C-16 (2016), a law that adds gender expression and gender identity to the Canadian Human Rights Act. He has received both praise and criticism after the publication of his self-help book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos (2018). His fans are thankful for the advice he’s given them to take responsibility for their lives. Prof. Peterson has become an important inspiration  and influential voice for various men’s groups. He gives an powerful motivational speech on becoming unstoppable in life, showing the steps we need to take in order to achieve our true potential. If you enjoy the life advice, support him by purchasing his latest book. It's a great read.
  • 🔔 Jordan Peterson's BEST lectures: Here are the most viewed one hour lectures shortened down to four minute videos:
  • 🤯VIRAL VIDEO: Prof. Peterson's recent trending video (one million+ views):

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