Sunday, October 31, 2021

When lottery winners lose it all 😪

Love Money (, Oct. 31, 2021); Sheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

From rags to riches and back again
Youth and drugs burn money up.
Believe it or not, statistics show that 70% of lottery winners end up broke, and a third go on to declare bankruptcy, according to America's National Endowment for Financial Education.
Runaway spending, toxic investments, and poor accounting can burn through a lucrative windfall in next to no time. From rags to riches then back to rags again is a sad ride. Read on to see the unlucky lottery winners who found out the hard way. More

Andrew Jackson Whittaker winnings: $113 million. In 2002, construction boss Andrew Jackson Whittaker won a whopping $314.9 million on the Powerball multi-state lottery and opted for a lump sum payout of $113 million. Plagued by bad luck...all the money had gone and Whittaker was back to square one. Source

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