Saturday, October 16, 2021

Non-Human Sangha: Animal Justice (live)

Ven. Varrapanyo (Monk Life); Stacy P., Ellie Askew, Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

The Non-Human Sangha: Animal Justice, Sensuous Ethics, and Nonduality
(Monk Life, Oct. 16, 2021) Western Buddhist monk Ven. Varrapanyo takes up the touchy topic of animals and the karma of those who eat, torment and test drugs and military equipment on them. "Kill," some say, "or cause others to kill by paying them when they butcher animals and put them on sale in Styrofoam and Saran Wrap; there will be no result of actions (karma)." It's a dangerous teaching. We are responsible for our actions and the actions we incite, encourage, approve of, or model for others to perform. Live with care, and for best results, let others live.

ANNOUCEMENT: Special Monk-Life Community Event!
Kieran Mead-Ward (Upaya Institute Zen Center)
Today at 9:00 pm EST the community will have the great privilege of hosting guest teacher Kieran Mead-Ward to give a talk. He is a dear friend of Ven. Varrapanyo's and a vegan (no animal products) for over a decade, diligently practicing meditation while living at various meditation centers for the past 25 years. The title of this talk is "Buddhism, Animal Justice, and Non-Dual Ethics." Everyone is invited to attend either through Zoom or watch it live on YouTube. Take advantage of this great opportunity to hear great teachings and to ask questions to a very experienced practitioner. The start time is 9:00, roughly 6:00 pm West Coast time.
  • ViduraOne: ​Hello Bhante 🙏
  • Rob Rob: Ggreetings, Bhante
  • Stephanie McGee ​: 🙏🙏🙏🙏
  • J T: Good to see you.
  • Odinnnori ​☕
  • Mihajlo Jokic: ​[message deleted]
  • Mihajlo Jokic: ​[message deleted]
  • Heir to Roma: ​Evening all!
  • ViduraOne: ​🙏
  • Armageddon's Engineer ​: Hey hey!
  • Hoa Luu ​: 🙏❤
  • Sea Goat of Neptune: ​Hi, Bhante and Kieran 👋
  • Monk Life: Glad to have you all here. Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines.
  • Armageddon's Engineer: ​The same could be said for overproduction of grain and subsidized low food prices around the world enabling unsustainable billions to exist. It throws the natural order out of whack
  • Blue Storm ​: Glad to be here. I have been enjoying your discussions.
  • ViduraOne ​: Love the talk, keep it up 💙
  • Hoa Luu ​: Love the way of connecting milk consumption into precepts, I never thought that way 
  • Monk Life:​🙂
  • Spencer Drums and Stuff: ​Hi
  • Monk Life: ​Welcome to Ask Questions About Veganism
  • Hoa Luu ​: I feel more separated from my friends and group community since I became vegan, sometimes I feel angry with them, as they’re bad persons. Could you share about your experience about this?
  • Sea Goat of Neptune: ​I struggle with vegetarianism because my partner and family still eat meat. I aspire to be vegan and support businesses that are cruelty free and hope I can achieve this goal soon.
  • odinnnori ​: Thank you for sharing, Kieran
  • J T ​: Our reality is almost nothing but a massive "food chain." Why object to reality? The cosmos is a snake eating its own tail in a way. No choice about this.
  • honest abe: ​You always have a choice
  • J T: ​false
  • Monk Life ​: JT we will try to respond to this question
  • J T: ​thank you, Bhante. Apologies if my speech was rude.
  • odinnnori ​: 😍

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